You are currently viewing Supporting your local Club

A lot of our smaller golf clubs in Ireland are really in need of extra revenue. Whilst the well known clubs are thriving with visiting tourists, other clubs are not experiencing the same impact. Your local club is part of your community whether its the GAA club, tennis or golf club so….

How can you help your club? Here are a few ideas:

  • Sponsor one of their events through your company. Clubs will be very grateful no matter how small the amount is and you will benefit by reaching a wider circle of potential customers

  • Eat in their restaurant/clubhouse. I find that most golf club’s menus are excellent and Sunday lunch is always popular in the clubs

  • Host an event or a meeting in the club. A lot of clubs have function or meeting rooms so why not check it out, you will probably be charged a fraction of going somewhere else

  • Have you ever considered your wedding, the communion, graduation or birthday party celebrations in the club? Try it, the personal service you will get is the best

  • Support your Golf Professional by purchasing in his shop

  • Bring your golf event to your local club, they will really appreciate your business

  • If you are a member of the club, support it as much as you can by attending some of the organised events. Most of the people who run clubs are volunteers so I am sure they would love the support.

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